Bootladder Engineering

... from hardware to cloud

It's about flexibility and risk mitigation.

The market moves fast. Requirements change. Technology changes.

Firmware is Software

The gap between embedded and server-based software development is near zero. We develop firmware with state-of-the-art software engineering practices, built on top of a traditional electrical engineering background

Testing Testing Testing

The ability to adapt and pivot ultimately boils down to how much automated test coverage there is. Automated testing and pipelining at all levels from unit to end-to-end is paramount

Product First Mindset

Firmware is no longer a siloed component. The Internet of Things (IoT) has brought all aspects of product development into the realm of firmware. Firmware is our specialty but our mindset is always product-wide, product-first.

What We Work On

Embedded Software Development

We are serious about firmware. At the end of the day you need binaries you can trust. We will enable your product's transition to mass production and beyond, making sure your product can adapt at the speed of the market.

Automated Testing

We provide automated testing solutions for businesses of all sizes. From triggering all the way to report delivery. Your cloud or our cloud. Your lab or our lab. With us, you will see the value of testing, not the cost. Guaranteed

Let us help with your product

Please feel free to contact us